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- Brazilian legislation on genetic heritage harms Biodiversity Convention goals and threatens basic biology research and education / Alves et al.

- The advertisement calls of Brazilian anurans: Historical review, current knowledge and future directions / Guerra et al.

- Vocalizations of Limnomedusa macroglossa / Guerra et al. 

- Diversity of miniaturized frogs of the genus Adelophryne (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae): A new species from the Atlantic Forest of northeast Brazil / Lourenço-de-Moraes et al. 

- Herpetofauna of Parque Estadual Altamiro de Moura Pacheco: one of the last remnants of seasonal forest in the core region of the Brazilian Cerrado / Ramalho et al. 

- Cytogenetics of two hylid frogs from Brazilian Cerrado / Targueta et al. 

- Release and distress calls of Rhinella abei (BAlDISSERA, CARAMASCHI & HADDAD, 2004), and Rhinella icterica (SPIX, 1824) / Batista et al.

- The agricultural impact of pesticides on Physalaemus cuvieri tadpoles (Amphibia, Anura) ascertained by comet assay / Gonçalves et al.

- Acoustic communication in two species of the Hypsiboas albopunctatus group (Anura: Hylidae) in sympatry and allopatry / Vieira et al.

- Publicações científicas em Herpetologia na região Sul do Brasil / Affonso et al.

- Vocalizations of two species of the Hypsiboas pulchellus group (Anura: Hylidae) with comments on this species group / Guerra et al.

- How do males of Hypsiboas goianus (Hylidae: Anura) respond to conspecific acoustic stimuli? / Morais et al. 

- Composição e riqueza de anfíbios anuros em remanescentes de Cerrado do Brasil Central / Gambale et al.

- Anuran larvae as prey and hosts of invertebrates in Neotropical aquatic habitats / Gambale et al.

- The release call of Rhinella mirandaribeiroi (Gallardo, 1965) (Anura: Bufonidae) / Vieira et al.

- Anurans from a degraded area in a seasonally Semi-deciduous forest in southern brazil/ Affonso et al.

- Geographic structure and acoustic variation in populations of Scinax squalirostris / Faria et al 

- Herpetofauna da Floresta Nacional de Silvânia, um remanescente de Cerrado no Brasil Central / Morais et al.

- Diversidade de anuros (amphibia) em áreas recuperadas de atividade mineradora e de plantio de eucalyptus urophyla, no Brasil central / Nomura et al.

- Anfíbios anuros associados a corpos d’água do sudoeste do estado de Goiás, Brasil / Morais et al.

-  Queimadas podem alterar as assembléias de anuros? Ocaso das veredas na Estação ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins / Morais et al.

- Foam nest in Scinax rizibilis (Amphibia Anura Hylidae) / Bastos et al.

- Territorial and mating behavior in Phyllomedusa azurea (Anura: Hylidae) at a temporary pond in west-central Brazil / Costa et al.

- Distribuição temporal e diversidade de modos reprodutivos de anfíbios anuros no Parque Nacional das Emas e entorno, estado de Goiás, Brasil / Kopp et al.

- Reptilia, Squamata, Tropiduridae, Stenocercus sinesaccus Torres–Carvajal, 2005: Distribution extension / Morais et al.

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